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Restoring Balance.
Through Craftsmanship & Care

For us humans the eye is much more than just a sensory organ: they add character to the face and are the visible expression of our personality. So, there is a reason why they are widely regarded as the “mirror of the soul”.
The loss of an eye not only impairs the symmetry of the face, it also throws physical and psychological sense of self painfully off-kilter/off-balance.
Restoring this impaired sense of balance is what we ocularists set out to achieve, fully knowing that in doing so we are shouldering a big burden of responsibility.

The highest levels of craftsmanship and technical precision are required to create an artificial eye. Our goal is to accomplish an almost perfect rendition of every single nuance of the healthy eye, whether its the colouring, the fine detail of the iris, its texture or visual effect. This helps the wearer to identify with their new eye, accept it as an integral part of their body and thus to regain their lost balance.

Rahel Feil, Thomas Jung, Ruth Müller-Welt, Elmar Bruckner, Audrey Schaal

Ocularistry as a Calling.
Expertise, experience and dedication.

Ocularistry is not just our vocation, it is our calling. And it has always been that way, ever since Adolf Müller-Welt completed his apprenticeship and training at the famous ocularistry practice with F. Ad. Müller & Sons OHG in Wiesbaden – where the hollow glass prostheses were first developed -before he went on to found the Müller-Welt Institute in Stuttgart in 1920.

A real family enterprise, the Institute was led by Otto Müller-Welt from 1928 and by Jörg Müller-Welt from 1976. The latter non only fine-tuned the colour-matching technique employed to draw the iris, the younger he also opened the door to new ways of manufacturing and fitting ocular prostheses.

Just like her predecessors, Ruth Müller-Welt, the current owner-manager of the Institute brings her extensive knowhow and full dedication to the business. Always mindful of the latest developments in the profession, she participates in forward-looking seminars in Europe and the US and regularly sits on examination boards.

Our ocularists, Thomas Jung and Elmar Bruckner have many years of experience in the manufacture of glass prostheses under their belt. Like Ruth Müller-Welt, Elmar Bruckner has specialised in fitting acrylic ocular prostheses. Rahel Feil and Audrey Schaal complement our team.
We all share one goal: to give you the best possible support and advice and to provide you with an ocular prosthesis that was perfectly and meticulously crafted especially for you.